How to Add a Custom Module Icon in Vtiger CRM

How to Add a Custom Module Icon in Vtiger CRM


2 min read

Customizing your Vtiger CRM interface enhances user experience and makes navigation more intuitive. One way to personalize your CRM is by adding a custom icon to represent your module. Follow this step-by-step guide to update your module icon in Vtiger CRM.

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Step 1: Create a Custom Icon

Before making any changes, you need to design an icon that will represent your module. Keep the following points in mind:

  • The recommended dimensions are 20 pixels by 20 pixels.

  • The format should be PNG to ensure transparency and clarity.

  • Ensure the design aligns with the overall theme of your Vtiger CRM interface.

Step 2: Locate the Module Icon Directory

Once your icon is ready, navigate to the following path in your CRM directory:

CRM Root / Layouts / V7 / Modules / ModuleName.png

Replace ModuleName.png with the actual module name for which you are updating the icon.

Step 3: Upload Your Custom Icon

  • Copy and paste the newly created PNG file into the above directory.

  • Ensure the filename matches the existing module icon name to avoid conflicts.

Step 4: Apply and Refresh

  • Perform a hard refresh on your Vtiger CRM interface to apply the changes.

  • The new custom icon should now be visible, replacing the default module icon.


Adding a custom module icon in Vtiger CRM is a simple yet effective way to personalize your CRM system. By following the steps above, you can ensure a cohesive and branded user interface. If you need expert assistance with Vtiger CRM customization, Joobilant Business and IT Solutions can help tailor your CRM to fit your business needs